Hi All
I've just installed ser server...seems to running ok, but when i try to log in via MSN messenger, it doesn't connect. ngrep shows this [root@jmay-csx root]# ngrep -n 5060 -d eth0 andy interface: eth0 ( match: andy ############################################################################ ############################################################################ ######################################################### U -> REGISTER sip:portal.com SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 156.151.96 .136:9924..Max-Forwards: 70..From: sip:andy@portal.com;tag =e7de21b1a54048f596a97a803e62a092;epid=3e95aa3126..To: <sip: andy@portal.com>..Call-ID: 907cde0319b64cba8b1dd03f75ce90a9@ 1 REGISTER..Contact: <sip: 36:9924>;methods="INVITE, MESSAGE, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, NOTIFY, ACK, REFER"..User-Agent: RTC/1.2.4949. .Event: registration..Allow-Events: presence..Content-Length : 0.... ######### U -> REGISTER sip:portal.com SIP/2.0..Record-Route: <sip:156.151. 97.201;ftag=e7de21b1a54048f596a97a803e62a092;lr=on>..Via: SI P/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKae7d.a118d8e6.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 69..From: <s ip:andy@portal.com>;tag=e7de21b1a54048f596a97a803e62a092;epi d=3e95aa3126..To: sip:andy@portal.com..Call-ID: 907cde0319 b64cba8b1dd03f75ce90a9@ 1 REGISTER..Con tact: sip:;methods="INVITE, MESSAGE, IN FO, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, NOTIFY, ACK, REFER"..Us er-Agent: RTC/1.2.4949..Event: registration..Allow-Events: p resence..Content-Length: 0.... ############################################################################ ##### U -> REGISTER sip:portal.com SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 156.151.96 .136:9924..Max-Forwards: 70..From: sip:andy@portal.com;tag =e7de21b1a54048f596a97a803e62a092;epid=3e95aa3126..To: <sip: andy@portal.com>..Call-ID: 907cde0319b64cba8b1dd03f75ce90a9@ 1 REGISTER..Contact: <sip: 36:9924>;methods="INVITE, MESSAGE, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, NOTIFY, ACK, REFER"..User-Agent: RTC/1.2.4949. .Event: registration..Allow-Events: presence..Content-Length : 0.... resence..Content-Length: 0....
what else can i look at...what might be the cause.
thaks Andy
To all, I'm new to SER and SIP; I was able to get SER up and running, but having trouble with some of the advance stuff. I would like to hire someone to help teach me the detail and get these services up and running faster. Here is our basic layout. We have multiple Cisco ATA's in BDD point to our SIP SERVER (SER), then they can TERM into one of three carrier, I would like to setup were if it failed to connect to one it will go to the other. When also have DID's that need to be pointed to different users on the network. Another problem we have is that we need live, accurate CDRS's. I tried to do it via Perl script, but it seems to be buggy. I just need some one to help out. Please contact me ASAP. -Gregory TIGRISNET voice@tigrisnet.net MSN:voipin@hotmail.com
At 07:51 PM 12/26/2003, Gregory D. Burns wrote:
To all, I'm new to SER and SIP; I was able to get SER up and running, but having trouble with some of the advance stuff. I would like to hire someone to help teach me the detail and get these services up and running faster.
You may wish to subscriber to iptel's support program. I will be happy to take your inquiry off-lie.