Hi all I want to setup IP failover for Kamailio:
I have 2 hosts A (IP: X.X.X.32) and B (X.X.X.36), with 2 running kamailios. Using Keepalive to setup IP failover as , virtual IP *is X.X.X.43*.
On host A, kamailio was binded to *listen=udp:* and host A is MASTER with virtual IP
*Problem is:* Client send REGISTER to X.X.X.43:5060. It recieved 401 respond from X.X.X.32:5060 (actual IP of A), not as expected from X.X.X.43:5060
(To check if keepalived setting OK or not, I have *nc -l 5060* on host A, and using nc X.X.X.43 5060 on client, wireshark show that responds is from X.X.X.43 -> keepalived work OK
Is there any difference between *kamailio* and *nc* cause they both bind to, but repond on differ IP?
Vinh Nguyen
Hello, I've the same deployment.
And I don't have any problem,.. but in kamailio.cfg I setted the Virtual IP
At least this is the Ip that should work.
I hope this help you.
2013/11/12 Nguyễn Đức Vinh vinhndk50ca@gmail.com
Hi all I want to setup IP failover for Kamailio:
I have 2 hosts A (IP: X.X.X.32) and B (X.X.X.36), with 2 running kamailios. Using Keepalive to setup IP failover as , virtual IP *is X.X.X.43*.
On host A, kamailio was binded to *listen=udp:* and host A is MASTER with virtual IP
*Problem is:* Client send REGISTER to X.X.X.43:5060. It recieved 401 respond from X.X.X.32:5060 (actual IP of A), not as expected from X.X.X.43:5060
(To check if keepalived setting OK or not, I have *nc -l 5060* on host A, and using nc X.X.X.43 5060 on client, wireshark show that responds is from X.X.X.43 -> keepalived work OK
Is there any difference between *kamailio* and *nc* cause they both bind to, but repond on differ IP?
Vinh Nguyen
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
Hi, also you can choose the outbound socket to use by setting '$fs' pseudovariable or use "force_send_socket()" function.
http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/4.0.x/core#script_operations http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/4.0.x/core#force_send_socket
On 11/12/2013 08:57 AM, Francisco Casasempere wrote:
Hello, I've the same deployment.
And I don't have any problem,.. but in kamailio.cfg I setted the Virtual IP
At least this is the Ip that should work.
I hope this help you.
2013/11/12 Nguyễn Đức Vinh <vinhndk50ca@gmail.com mailto:vinhndk50ca@gmail.com>
Hi all I want to setup IP failover for Kamailio: I have 2 hosts A (IP: X.X.X.32) and B (X.X.X.36), with 2 running kamailios. Using Keepalive to setup IP failover as , virtual IP *is X.X.X.43*. On host A, kamailio was binded to *listen=udp: <>* and host A is MASTER with virtual IP *Problem is:* Client send REGISTER to X.X.X.43:5060. It recieved 401 respond from X.X.X.32:5060 (actual IP of A), not as expected from X.X.X.43:5060 (To check if keepalived setting OK or not, I have *nc -l 5060* on host A, and using nc X.X.X.43 5060 on client, wireshark show that responds is from X.X.X.43 -> keepalived work OK Is there any difference between *kamailio* and *nc* cause they both bind to, but repond on differ IP? Thanks Vinh Nguyen _______________________________________________ SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org <mailto:sr-users@lists.sip-router.org> http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
12.11 11:23, Nguyễn Đức Vinh написал(а):
Hi all I want to setup IP failover for Kamailio: I have 2 hosts A (IP: X.X.X.32) and B (X.X.X.36), with 2 running kamailios. Using Keepalive to setup IP failover as , virtual IP is X.X.X.43. On host A, kamailio was binded to listen=udp:[1] and host A is MASTER with virtual IP Problem is: Client send REGISTER to X.X.X.43:5060. It recieved 401 respond from X.X.X.32:5060 (actual IP of A), not as expected from X.X.X.43:5060 (To check if keepalived setting OK or not, I have nc -l 5060 on host A, and using nc X.X.X.43 5060 on client, wireshark show that responds is from X.X.X.43 -> keepalived work OK Is there any difference between kamailio and nc cause they both bind to, but repond on differ IP?В Thanks Vinh Nguyen
Do not use "listen=", because in this case Kamailio inserts this IP address ( in proxy related SIP headers, which turns into errors from UAC. This behaviour seems like a bug. It would be interesting to see response from developers.
Just use "listen=X.X.X.X", where X.X.X.X is IP address you want Kamailio to listen on.