* Arnd Vehling av@nethead.de [040228 01:13]:
Hi Atle,
This is the oppesit of what Im doing...
:) Yeah, this came to my mind when i was thinking about it.
He he
but would you be needing a thing that rewrote the realname feeld?
not an requirement at the moment. I need the ability to search and fetch a users alias and rewrte the "From: " header. I just hope this wont break accouting stuff.
as Jiri wrote.. and as I'v been told by some of the guys here it's not safe to change the From header..
if so.. Im thinking of writing one, that can get a name out of the database, and say that "493042423" is Peter Pan
If youre patch is ready ill sure will have a look at it. But i would prefer to look up the aliases from memory because of the better performance. Shouldnt be that hard if one looks at how "lookup(alias)" is implemented.
As I said, Im thinking of writing a patch for it.. and I will most likely do that next week.. It would be faster.. but ~6 milion phonenumbers and names would be rather much to put into memro..
- Atle