please note that pseudo-variables implemented in core for kamailio/openser versions <= 1.4.x are now moved in pv module. This is part of cleaning up the core, in order to keep it slimmer and less exposed to bugs. There are modules and use cases that need no PVs, therefore no need of keeping the implementation of about 100 PV in core.
Now the core includes only an API that allows to: - register PVs from modules - parse PV names in config script, evaluate PVs, assign values to PVs
$shv() - shared variables, and $time() - broken down time, were moved from cfgutils module to pv module ($shv() depends on $var()).
To summarize, if you need $ru, $avp(...), $var(...), a.s.o. in your config file you have to load pv module from now on with devel version and upcoming stable releases.
Two new pseudo-variables were introduced with this occasion, $TS and $TF, see more: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/pseudovariables:devel#string_forma... http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/pseudovariables:devel#unix_time_st...
Cheers, Daniel