Thanks Henning and Carsten.
It should also be noted that the module is required by both IMS_ISC and IMS_REGISTRAR_SCSCF. The lacking documentation of IMS_USRLOC_SCSCF also make those modules difficult to implement.
Pan B. Christensen Developer Phonect AS
-----Original Message----- From: Henning Westerholt Sent: tirsdag 16. oktober 2018 20:27 To: Cc: Carsten Bock; Pan Christensen Subject: *** SPAM *** Re: [SR-Users] Missing documentation ims_usrloc_scscf module
Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018, 13:31:08 CEST schrieb Carsten Bock:
can you open a ticket on the GitHub Tracker for this? Otherwise this might get lost at some point... I don't have time to take care of it immediately as I am travelling this and next week, more likely I would take care of it later in November.
Hello Carsten,
i have opened already a ticket about that one month ago. It is already assigned to ngvoice. ;-)
Best regards,
-- Henning Westerholt - Kamailio security assessment