I need help for registering with iptel.org
I have created one user called hitechabdul with iptel.org
When I am trying to register with this domain, It is returing error *401 Unauthorized *with *Warning 392 : Noisy Feedback Tells*
please find attached ethereal packet and help me to resolve this problem.
The details filling with register message :
username : hitechabdul password : xxxxxx Domain Name : iptel.org
Other than this Is I have to given any more data ?
o Abdul Khadar [12/08/2009 01:28 PM]:
I need help for registering with iptel.org http://iptel.org
I have created one user called hitechabdul with iptel.org http://iptel.org
the list for iptel.org SIP services is here: http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/services
When I am trying to register with this domain, It is returing error *401 Unauthorized *with *Warning 392 : Noisy Feedback Tells*
this is just a debug message, you can ignore it.
please find attached ethereal packet and help me to resolve this problem.
The details filling with register message :
username : hitechabdul password : xxxxxx Domain Name : iptel.org http://iptel.org
you did not register the name hitechabdul at iptel.org (i just checked). register at http://serweb.iptel.org/user/reg and have a look at http://www.iptel.org/service for more information.
Best Regards Stefan