the negative integers have the first bit 1 in the 32bit representation
of a signed integer. So practically 2^31 (2 147 483 648) to 2^32 - 1 ( 4
294 967 296 - 1) are the negative integers, which for unsigned int
representation are the higher values. As the other Daniel said, those
numbers are converted to negative value as: N - 2^32 (where N is the
number greater than 2^31).
For your case, the best is to use mysql cast function in sql_pvquery()
and get it as string inside kamailio.cfg, no matter what is the type of
the column in the database table. See cast/convert operators/functions
in the mysql manual.
On 06/01/16 11:48, Jonathan Hunter wrote:
Hi to both Daniels and thank you for your responses.
I understand what you are both saying.
Currently the field I am extracting the value from in the database is
set to type;
bigint(20) unsigned
If I change to varchar for example it returns fine, my only issue is
that the overflow only occurs on 10 digit numbers starting with 2 or 3.
If I add a value for example 1785702370 or 7785702370 they are
returned without issue without changing the DB value type.
To: sr-users(a)lists.sip-router.org
From: miconda(a)gmail.com
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 19:49:02 +0100
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Negative value returned when using sql_pvquery
On 05/01/16 17:51, Daniel Tryba wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 05, 2016 at 03:38:58PM +0000, Jonathan Hunter wrote:
>> sql_pvquery("cd","select DestinationMsisdn,SourceMsisdn from
MsisdnPoolAllocations where
>> However this returns a value of
-509264926 for $var(MOdest) which
should just be the 3785702370 number.
>> What can cause kamailio to interpret
this as a negative value?
Has anyone seen this before?
> What you are seeing is an integer overflow,
in this case you are
> > to store a number greater than 2^31 in a signed 32bit int. -509264926
> > (3785702370-2^32) is the correct answer if the var is a signed 32bit
> > int.
> >
> > I treat phonenumbers as strings (both in the database and kamailio)
> > since I store them as E.164 with a leading + (which results in a bit
> > more diskspace)
> >
> > If you don't need the number as int in kamailio, try casting it to a
> > string in the query.
> >
> To complete, as just looked at the source -- if the bigint number
> returned does not fit in 32bit size, then it is stored as string. If it
> fits in 32bit, then is stored also as int. I see the code was added in
> 2011 by Alex Hermann.
> Maybe the behavior is not that coherent, hard to predict if not knowing
> what is in the db, and should be changed to be always stored as string,
> then use {s.int} in config if wanted as int.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda -
> Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio -
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