Is this still applicable?
See INSTALL file (line 669)
3.1) create MySQL tables for SER flavour - if you have a previously installed SER on your system, use /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh reinstall to convert your SER database into new structures - otherwise, if this is your very first installation, use /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh create to create SER database structures (you will be prompted for password of MySql "root" user)
Because I did not found the *reinstall* option on sources..
Thanks, Claudio
On 5/3/11 5:49 PM, Claudio Furrer wrote:
Is this still applicable?
might not be if there is not there. Maybe one of the SER flavour maintainers can say more.
For the Kamailio flavour I know that the 'update database structure' was not really updated, instead, we keep track on wiki page what has to be adjusted for upgrade, for example:
IMO, in this way the users are fully aware of what has be done, in many cases, if they don't use the modules that had changes in the db tables structure, they are safe and don't do anything.
Having the scripts would be nice, too. Just that we support many database types, which are not always compatible in sql syntax. Some are not even sql, e.g., bdb or dbtext.
Cheers, Daniel
See INSTALL file (line 669)
3.1) create MySQL tables for SER flavour - if you have a previously installed SER on your system, use /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh reinstall to convert your SER database into new structures - otherwise, if this is your very first installation, use /usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh create to create SER database structures (you will be prompted for password of MySql "root" user)
Because I did not found the *reinstall* option on sources..
Thanks, Claudio
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users