Dear Team,
I am glad to work with kamailio Team, I am using kamailio freeswitch integration. I want to work like this. My all subscriber register at kamailio. My application server is freeswitch.
Now I want ask is this possible at kamailio?
"when subscriber establish their call then kamailio handed over its call control to freeswitch" i.e. when kamailio got "ACK" (call patch signal) of two subscriber then call control will be transferred to freeswitch. Here I am Using Kamailio for its excellent feature recovery of progress call (by DMQ and HTable) in Highly Availability(HA) . Freeswitch doesn't have this feature. But freeswitch we are using as application server.
I have configure Kamailio like "KMUser1==>FS==> KAMUser2" . but in that case progress call (KMUser1 Get alert of KMUser2) has not recover on HA. So call will be on kamailio till alerting after connect call will be transferred to Freeswitch.
I want to know by which module we can achieve this. It will be great help for me if provided sample .
Amit Pal
Coral Telecom Ltd