I am working on SER and Jabber with MSN transport.
There are some problems still unresolved, one is a URI parsing problem which I posted before as
I can not establish a communication wth MSN, but I wonder This problem also happens with jabber user. So if there is a delimiter which is defined as aliases (msn, jabber) in local part, the above problem happens. But I could chat between Windows Messenger with other Jabber user. It seems ser corrects the address. I think the next problem is Windows Messenger side, but I would like to know if anyone encounters this problem.
1. Windows messenger -> Message -> Jabber Messenger (other user) OK 2. Jabber Messenger -> Message -> Windows Messenger OK 3. Windows Messenger -> Message -> Jabber Messenger X
There is no output packet from Windows Messenger at 3.
Other problem is, I can not see the correct (online) status for Jabber users through jabber and pa modules. and I found a comment in the following mail.
It seems current pa module puts the status in the body as XML text.
# U -> NOTIFY sip: SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch= z9hG4bK32db.4e44d2c.0..To: "norika" sip:norika@ser.software.com;tag=76fb6 e8b-0911-486c-92b6-c9e1358e194a..From: <sip:fumina*jabber.software.com@jabb er.software.com>;tag=158f166cb27489bb7c6c624552186861-46b6..CSeq: 1 NOTIFY. .Call-ID: fe489e41-8303-4dd0-8876-6ecf3b1b6cd7@ 350..User-Agent: Sip EXpress router(0.8.12 (i386/linux))..Event: presence. .Content-Type: application/xpidf+xml..Subscription-State: active;expires=18 00....<?xml version="1.0"?>..<!DOCTYPE presence PUBLIC "//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx XPIDF 1.0//EN" "xpidf.dtd">..<presence>..<presentity uri="sip:fumina*jabbe r.software.com@jabber.software.com;method=SUBSCRIBE"/>..<atom id="9r28r49"> ..<address uri="sip:fumina*jabber.software.com@jabber.software.com">..<stat us status="closed"/>..</address>..</atom>..</presence>.. #
So Jabber side, they can read the presence status from ser with jabber and pa modules. Is this correct in ser-0.8.12?
I downloaded unstable version of sip_router and try to run it, but it seems new pa requires own db tables. Does new pa module fix the above presence problem? and is there any enhancement?
Regards, -- Yoshiho Yoshida
Open Technologies Corporation Main: +81-3-5940-5798 Direct: +81-3-5940-7587 Fax: +81-3-3947-1214 mailto:yoshida@opentech.co.jp