the mysql server version 8 is no longer supporting creating the user and granting privileges in the same statement, they have to be separate. I checked the mariadb specs and they seem to support also the separate creation of user and granting privileges in two statements.
I pushed the changes in kamdbctl to master branch via commit:
- https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/c0879add55bef77703f2259f224b4a1f...
The reason I am writing here is to see if anyone is aware of some (old) versions of mariadb or mysql servers that do not support the creation and grant in two steps. If yes, then we can add a config option in kamctlrc to do one or the other variants. But for now I did it only with the new style, as it seems to be supported everywhere by latest versions, to avoid unnecessary option to keep also the old style.
Cheers, Daniel