|---------+-----------------------------> | | dong-ming.li@mail.| | | foxconn.com | | | | | | 2014/12/24 上午 | | | 11:54 | |---------+----------------------------->
| | | To: alfred.lu@foxconn.com | | cc: | | Subject: Mediaproxy do not work well with Kamailio SIP server issue |
Secret Level: |------------------------| | ( ) 1.Non-Confidential | | ( ) 2.Confidential | | ( ) 3.Secret | | ( ) 4.Top Secret | |------------------------|
Priority Level: |--------------------| | ( ) 1.Normal | | ( ) 2.Urgent | | ( ) 3.Extra Urgent | |--------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi, sir,
We try to setup Mediaproxy on CentOS 6.6 with kamailio-4.2.1 SIP server. We use Linphone android version as SIP client to test. attached kamailio.cfg.txt is our kamailio-4.2.1 SIP server config file. pls help to rename kamailio.cfg.txt to kamailio.cfg. kamailio-4.2.1 SIP server is run on public IP server,and Linphone SIP client is run behind NAT. The problem is that only callee can hear caller's rtp audio data. caller can not hear callee's audio data. And the call will auto disconnect after about 30s time out.
Below's our modification regarding the kamailio.cfg file,pls help to check if this is OK or not ? #foxconn gallice add start #### MediaProxy module loadmodule "mediaproxy.so" modparam("mediaproxy", "disable", 0) modparam("mediaproxy", "ice_candidate", "high-priority") modparam("mediaproxy", "mediaproxy_socket", "/var/run/mediaproxy/dispatcher.sock") modparam("mediaproxy", "mediaproxy_timeout", 500) modparam("mediaproxy", "signaling_ip_avp", "$avp(nat_ip)") modparam("mediaproxy", "media_relay_avp", "$avp(media_relay)") #foxconn gallice add end
# account only INVITEs if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting use_media_proxy(); #foxconn gallice add }
# Manage incoming replies onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] { xdbg("incoming reply\n"); if(status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]") { #foxconn gallice add #route(NATMANAGE); #foxconn gallice delete use_media_proxy(); #foxconn gallice add } #foxconn gallice add }
For mediaproxy,we can see the media related processes are already run.
31212 ? SL 0:01 python ./media-dispatcher start 31218 ? SL 0:16 python ./media-relay start
***************************************************** dong-ming / 李東明 Foxconn Electronics Inc. HH Precision Ind. Co., Ltd. CNSBG NSDI TIPBU R&D Dept. LH Office 地址:深圳市龍華新區龍華東環二路二號富士康科技集團 分機 : +86-0755-2812-9588 #26109 Mobile : 13510123670 Mail : dong-ming.li@mail.foxconn.com, *****************************************************
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mail from ip--> mail from pc-->MICROSOF-700F48 Version: Super Notes (See attached file: kamailio.cfg.txt)