Sorry, I misunderstood. Maybe you can create a new route for iteration?
In failure route you forward to this new route, the route clears a flag,
loads the correct extension, forwards to the route for checks, the
checking is done and the flag is set only if everything was ok, the
intermediate route, if no flag was set, deletes the avp holding the
extension, then calls itself.
Steve Blair wrote:
So I do that now. The problem is how do I repeat the process until all
extensions in the huntlist have been attempted? As I see it I need
something like the following but I do not see how to implement this.
top: ( "loop until no more extensions" )
check permissions of current extension
permission check failed
delete extension
goto top
set failure route flag to this failure route
t_relay to current extension
Greger V. Teigre wrote:
You store the extensions in an avpair and then in
failure route do
avp_delete() on your "huntlist" (don't use /g, because all will be
Steve Blair wrote:
I need to perform a check several times within a failure_route and
I'm not sure how to accomplish this task.
The way I implemented sequentially hunting I perform the relay to
the first number in the hunt list within route block 0. If this
number is unavailable I "fail" to a failure block then interate
through the remaining numbers in the huntlist in that failure route
but this presents a problem.
All of the "feature" and "call permission" checks which I normally
perform on an extension are only performed in route block 0. This
means I am not checking the feature and call permission flags for
the 2nd through Nth number in the huntlist once I enter the failure
I created a route block to perform the necessary checks but the
problem is I do not see how to return to the failure route if the
feature check for a given number fails.
For example. If the t_relay to extension 1234 fails I will enter
failure_route #1. In failure_route #1 I load the next extension,
2345, but if the call permission check for 2345 fails how do I skip
this number in the huntlist, load the next number in the list and
repeat the failure_route #1 processing?
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