please keep cc-ing to mailing lists, there are people that can answer you quicker and better.
As a matter of fact, although I have studied a bit IMS docs, that happened long time ago and don't know how those messages should be routed in IMS and where the mistake can be in your routing logic.
Cheers, Daniel
On 08/27/08 13:24, mahesh.peddi@info-spectrum.com wrote:
I have one issue regarding openser could you kindly reply if you know .
I am implimented openser1.2.0 and 1.3.2 as Presence server. And i am connected it with IMS core .And for testing i was used UCTIMS client during the register with uctims client actually i need to get 4 messages. 1.Third party register request is going to presence server from scscf. 2.Notify messages coming from presence server to uctclient. 3.subscribe message must take route through the presence server. 4.publish message must take route through the presence server. But at present i am getting 3 and 4 messges corectly i am not getting 1 and 2. So please tell me what are the modifications or changes i need to do in any xml files or cfg files.
Regards, Mahesh Peddi Infospectrum India Pvt. Ltd. Cell: +91 9765775176 IP-Phone Ext. - 764
----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" miconda@gmail.com To: mahesh.peddi@info-spectrum.com Cc: "userlist" users@lists.kamailio.org Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:44 PM Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] How to test and trace the RLS messages?
On 08/20/08 09:44, mahesh.peddi@info-spectrum.com wrote:
Hi All, I am working on openser 1.3.2 version with RLS as "integrated_xcap_server". Its running without erros. But my query is how to test, And please send me call flow between IMS components and RLS server.
perhaps you can find some hints in IMS specifications. You need in first place a sip phone with rls support, afaik, there are not that many.
Cheers, Daniel
Regards, Mahesh Peddi Infospectrum India Pvt. Ltd. Cell: +91 9765775176 IP-Phone Ext. - 764
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla http://www.asipto.com