in the last time several enhancements were added to registrar module to help in dealing with user location records. This correlated with the new modue pv shall give lot of control over the destination set for calls.
To get the latest devel version, check out the latest svn - svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio
The news in registrar module are: - ability to unregister all contacts for a SIP addres - there is a new function: unregister(table, uri) - ability to store and maintain single contact per user - the save() function accepts a new value for flags parameter (0x04) to restrict to one single record in location table - ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
For more details see the README: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/registrar.html
Here are couple of use cases:
1) only one contact per user
save("location", "0x04");
Note that if you have couple of phones registering for same user, the one that sent last REGISTER message will be the only ringing.
2) check if a user is calling from a registered device and if not, deny the call
if(!reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "caller")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; } $var(i) = 0; $var(found) = 0; $var(contact) = $(ct{nameaddr.uri}); while($var(found) == 0 && $var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) { $if($var(contact)==$(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)])) $var(found) = 1; else $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } if($var(found) == 0) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; }
Testing and feedback is very much appreciated.
For the future: - unregister() to get a $ulc(...) variable as parameter to unregister a specific contact - drop a branch via pv module
Cheers, Daniel
Hi Daniel!
I just wonder how the reg_fetch_contacts() deal with NATed clients. In this case the src_ip:port have to be compared with the "received" column.
regards klaus
Daniel-Constantin Mierla schrieb:
in the last time several enhancements were added to registrar module to help in dealing with user location records. This correlated with the new modue pv shall give lot of control over the destination set for calls.
To get the latest devel version, check out the latest svn - svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio
The news in registrar module are:
- ability to unregister all contacts for a SIP addres - there is a new
function: unregister(table, uri)
- ability to store and maintain single contact per user - the save()
function accepts a new value for flags parameter (0x04) to restrict to one single record in location table
- ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there
are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
For more details see the README: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/registrar.html
Here are couple of use cases:
- only one contact per user
save("location", "0x04");
Note that if you have couple of phones registering for same user, the one that sent last REGISTER message will be the only ringing.
- check if a user is calling from a registered device and if not, deny
the call
if(!reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "caller")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; } $var(i) = 0; $var(found) = 0; $var(contact) = $(ct{nameaddr.uri}); while($var(found) == 0 && $var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) { $if($var(contact)==$(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)])) $var(found) = 1; else $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } if($var(found) == 0) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; }
Testing and feedback is very much appreciated.
For the future:
- unregister() to get a $ulc(...) variable as parameter to unregister a specific contact
- drop a branch via pv module
Cheers, Daniel
Hello Klaus,
On 10/01/08 20:41, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Hi Daniel!
I just wonder how the reg_fetch_contacts() deal with NATed clients. In this case the src_ip:port have to be compared with the "received" column.
reg_fetch_contacts() just clones the contacts to pkg to avoid races. Then all attributes stored in a contact structure are available via the new variable. Depending on situation, if you refer to example 2, for nat the 'received' should be also checked, as you said. To detect NATted phones the contact flags can be checked as well.
Cheers, Daniel
regards klaus
Daniel-Constantin Mierla schrieb:
in the last time several enhancements were added to registrar module to help in dealing with user location records. This correlated with the new modue pv shall give lot of control over the destination set for calls.
To get the latest devel version, check out the latest svn - svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio
The news in registrar module are:
- ability to unregister all contacts for a SIP addres - there is a
new function: unregister(table, uri)
- ability to store and maintain single contact per user - the save()
function accepts a new value for flags parameter (0x04) to restrict to one single record in location table
- ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there
are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
For more details see the README: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/registrar.html
Here are couple of use cases:
- only one contact per user
save("location", "0x04");
Note that if you have couple of phones registering for same user, the one that sent last REGISTER message will be the only ringing.
- check if a user is calling from a registered device and if not,
deny the call
if(!reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "caller")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; } $var(i) = 0; $var(found) = 0; $var(contact) = $(ct{nameaddr.uri}); while($var(found) == 0 && $var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) { $if($var(contact)==$(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)])) $var(found) = 1; else $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } if($var(found) == 0) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; }
Testing and feedback is very much appreciated.
For the future:
- unregister() to get a $ulc(...) variable as parameter to unregister
a specific contact
- drop a branch via pv module
Cheers, Daniel
El Miércoles, 1 de Octubre de 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla escribió:
- ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there
are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
So good feature ;)
Excellent enhancements!
Is there any hope to have a feature developed where the authentication user, password, and domain can be supplied directly to the save()/lookup() function via script instead of using either a database structure of a certain schema as a persistence layer or doing it purely in memory?
This is mainly desired when implementing a registrar that uses database persistence but obtains its information from an outside database that requires some sort of middleware or API to access and cannot be tailored to work with the schema requirements of auth_db/usrloc.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
in the last time several enhancements were added to registrar module to help in dealing with user location records. This correlated with the new modue pv shall give lot of control over the destination set for calls.
To get the latest devel version, check out the latest svn - svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio
The news in registrar module are:
- ability to unregister all contacts for a SIP addres - there is a new
function: unregister(table, uri)
- ability to store and maintain single contact per user - the save()
function accepts a new value for flags parameter (0x04) to restrict to one single record in location table
- ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there
are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
For more details see the README: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/registrar.html
Here are couple of use cases:
- only one contact per user
save("location", "0x04");
Note that if you have couple of phones registering for same user, the one that sent last REGISTER message will be the only ringing.
- check if a user is calling from a registered device and if not, deny
the call
if(!reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "caller")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; } $var(i) = 0; $var(found) = 0; $var(contact) = $(ct{nameaddr.uri}); while($var(found) == 0 && $var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) { $if($var(contact)==$(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)])) $var(found) = 1; else $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } if($var(found) == 0) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; }
Testing and feedback is very much appreciated.
For the future:
- unregister() to get a $ulc(...) variable as parameter to unregister a specific contact
- drop a branch via pv module
Cheers, Daniel
On 10/02/08 01:49, Alex Balashov wrote:
Excellent enhancements!
Is there any hope to have a feature developed where the authentication user, password, and domain can be supplied directly to the save()/lookup() function via script instead of using either a database structure of a certain schema as a persistence layer or doing it purely in memory?
I am not sure I understand exactly what you want to achieve. save()/lookup() have nothing to do with auth and password.
If you want to do auth you can provide username and password via script variables (see the auth module README). But for usrloc I need further details...
Cheers, Daniel
This is mainly desired when implementing a registrar that uses database persistence but obtains its information from an outside database that requires some sort of middleware or API to access and cannot be tailored to work with the schema requirements of auth_db/usrloc.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
in the last time several enhancements were added to registrar module to help in dealing with user location records. This correlated with the new modue pv shall give lot of control over the destination set for calls.
To get the latest devel version, check out the latest svn - svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio
The news in registrar module are:
- ability to unregister all contacts for a SIP addres - there is a new
function: unregister(table, uri)
- ability to store and maintain single contact per user - the save()
function accepts a new value for flags parameter (0x04) to restrict to one single record in location table
- ability to access the attributes of all contacts for a user - there
are two new functions: reg_fetch_contacts(table, uri, profile) and reg_free_contacts(profile) to make available/release the contacts for a SIP uri. After fetching the contacts, the attributes can be accessed via pseudo variable $ulc(profile=>attr)
For more details see the README: http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/registrar.html
Here are couple of use cases:
- only one contact per user
save("location", "0x04");
Note that if you have couple of phones registering for same user, the one that sent last REGISTER message will be the only ringing.
- check if a user is calling from a registered device and if not, deny
the call
if(!reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "caller")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; } $var(i) = 0; $var(found) = 0; $var(contact) = $(ct{nameaddr.uri}); while($var(found) == 0 && $var(i) < $(ulc(caller=>count))) { $if($var(contact)==$(ulc(caller=>addr)[$var(i)])) $var(found) = 1; else $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; } if($var(found) == 0) { sl_send_reply("403", "Please register first"); exit; }
Testing and feedback is very much appreciated.
For the future:
- unregister() to get a $ulc(...) variable as parameter to unregister a specific contact
- drop a branch via pv module
Cheers, Daniel