Okay you Cisco Call Manager and SER GURU's. Two questions in this posting the first one is what I call the harder of the two.
I work for a company which has Cisco Call manager 3.3 and 2 gateway routers running h323. The system works well when it works. Yet as we all know Cisco Call Manager does not support SIP. Only 4.0 supports sip trunking. Yet my company has sales people who want to use the phones to connect into the company and use their system in a remote user fashion. What I want to do is setup a small SER server on the DMZ configure it for remote users to call internal extensions which are configured by the Cisco Call Manager and I want to my remote users to be able to call out to PSTN via our routers using h323. Is this difficult to do with SER. If possible in your response give me details, and configuration examples. Currently we are using a 5 year old VPN and that is killing our VPN appliance and would rather have it external for our sales force to connect directly from home via a sip device.
That was question 1.
Second question, I have SER installed on a FEDORA Core 4 and one of the forum users was nice enough to forward me RPM's of Ser. I installed all the RPM along with SERWEB. I am unable to access the url via http://<your-host>/ser/admin
Everything installed properly I have looked at my httpd and have done multple /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start Everything seems like it starting up. I just can't get the SerWeb working properly.
Thanks in Advance
Goran Donev
On 26-10-2005 13:59, gorand@dvvti.com wrote:
Second question, I have SER installed on a FEDORA Core 4 and one of the forum users was nice enough to forward me RPM's of Ser. I installed all the RPM along with SERWEB. I am unable to access the url via http://<your-host>/ser/admin
Everything installed properly I have looked at my httpd and have done multple /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start Everything seems like it starting up. I just can't get the SerWeb working properly.
The package provides /etc/serweb/apache.conf file. You need to include that file in the apache configuration. See the apache documentation for more info how to do that. Serweb should become available as http://<your-host>/serweb once you include that file and restart apache.