Dear friends,
anyone has some experience of cisco PIX configuration with sip, I suspect a nat problem, but i'm not sure ....
My situation:
Ser/Asterisk server on a real ip address, no firewall, open ip
Grandtream phone, real ip address
Xlite client, natted by pix with a internal/external direct conduit, allow any rule for inside/outside connections
Tests made:
direct call
Grandstrem ---> ser ---> Xlite = ok Xlite ---> ser ---> Grandstream = ok
ok now to the problem, I know this is a long explanation, but I badly need help, this looks to complex for me ! :)
Grandstream calls 10, ser has this rule
if (uri=~"sip:10+@") {
rewritehostport("host.domain:5090"); t_relay_to_udp("host.domain", "5090"); break; };
call is forwarded to Asterisk, a menu is played, then an extension is called
exten => *,1,Background(beep) exten => *,2,Dial,SIP/Xliteextention@domain|30|mt exten => *,3,Voicemail(u10) exten => *,102,Voicemail(b10)
Xlite rings, but if I pick up calls are not connected, asterisk shows ringing, Xlite shows Connected.
If I press Hangup on Xlite asterisk senses that and brings the grandstream call to voicemail, I hear the voicemail prompt from grandstream phone.
Reversing the process everithing works absolutely fine: if Xlite calls asterisk, then a call is made to grandstream ext calls are connected.
To make some more tests I tried using a non natted xlite, it works, that's the reason why i suspect that nat is the problem here.
Any idea ?