I have two separate servers. A Kamailio box and an Elastix box.
I have Kamailio all up and running. I installed Elastix 2.0 using an ISO. I followed all the steps to modify the Asterisk configuration from Kamailio 3.1.x and Asterisk 1.6.2 Realtime Integration using Asterisk Database to provide access to the asterisk database.
1) I am not able to register an X-lite softphone to Kamailio.
a. Is this because Kamailio is not talking to the Asterisk DB or, would X-Lite connect to Kamailio anyway?
b. kamailio.cfg :
i. #!ifdef WITH_ASTERISK
ii. asterisk.bindip = "" desc "Asterisk IP Address"
iii. asterisk.bindport = "5080" desc "Asterisk Port"
iv. kamailio.bindip = "" desc "Kamailio IP Address"
v. kamailio.bindport = "5060" desc "Kamailio Port"
vi. #!endif
2) From the Kamailio server I am able to make an MYSQL connection to the remote Elastix server.
a. #!define DBURL "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser"
b. #!define DBASTURL "mysql://asterisk:asterisk1017@''/asterisk"
3) From the Elastix server I am able to make a MYSQL connection to the remote Kamailio server (not sure this is necessary)
Some items are unclear to me in the tutorial.
1) The first two steps, MYSQL INSTALLATION and INSTALL UnixODBC is this just on the Kamailio server, the Asterisk Server or both.
2) After creating the database on the Kamailio server "/usr/local/sbin/kamdbctl create" is the asterisk database configured on the Asterisk server?
3) After creation of the asterisk database, is the ODBC configuration on the asterisk server, Kamailio server, or both?
4) Note: "Be sure you configure Asterisk to not authenticate SIP requests coming from Kamailio". How do you do this?
Kurt A. Mullen
Practical PC, LLC
(O) 830.542.4102 x204
(F) 210.767.3912