Hi everyone, Let's say i want to add additional attribute in every dispatcher database entry in form of: *Example:* extension_set=100-199;branch=NewYork
Let's say also i have more than one entry in dispatcher database with these attributes and same priority.
*EX:* IP=;priority=1;attr=extension_set=100-199;branch=NewYork;Descrioption=PBX Production IP=;priority=1;attr=extension_set=100-199;branch=NewYork;Descrioption=PBX Backup
What i want to achieve is to select multiple destination with ds_select and algorithm 8(priority) based on dialed extension. I can get attributes with: $(xavp(_dsdst_=>attrs) but, off course, this may be possible only after destination selection has been made by dispatcher.
Currently i've create a switch statement in order set statically a variable with the right priority like: # dial number selection switch($rU) { case /"^[1][0-9][0-9]$": # starting with 1XX xlog("L_NOTICE","THE DIALED NUMBER IS: $rU ... Searching for available destinations!!!\n"); $var(ds_priority) = 1;
break; default: exit; } ds_select_dst($var(ds_priority), 8); #Get an up destination from dispatcher with priority 1 xlog("L_NOTICE","Calling Dispatcher $du -- $siz:$sp with PARAMETER ATTRIBUTE: (attrs: $xavp(_dsdst_=>attrs))\n"); xlog("L_NOTICE","THE BRANCH IS SET AS: $(xavp(_dsdst_=>attrs){param.value,branch})\n"); xlog("L_NOTICE","THE EXTENSION SET IS: $(xavp(_dsdst_=>attrs){param.value,extension_set})\n"); t_on_failure("DISPATCH_FAILURE");
but i would like to achieve something more dynamic which permit me to create a simple database entry.
Probably there's a better way to do it maybe with the help of other modules or database tables.
If someone can suggest me the best way or simply pointing me on the right direction. Appreciate