Dear Iqbal,
I would like to create a table where rate engine keeps rate_ids and depending to it it's own prefix, location name, initial time, initial cost, increment time, increment cost values. What i want is when i create a user from account creation, give him/her a rate_id which is defined before in tariff plan, and SER writes rate_id together with each call...
For example into this table, together with every logged calls. I'm not sure it's logical or can be done, what do you think ?
Or how can else i can ? The main problem is when you query from MySql, i'm sure that it will give time out errors for querying many and many calls to compare from rate tables...
sip_fromsip_tosip_statussip_methodi_urio_urifrom_urito_urisip_callidusernamedomainfromtagtotagtimetimestampsrcdst ? ?sip:8334843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;user=phone;tag=xI...sip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;tag=ff7212001e7d...200INVITEsip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXXsip:02324843600@212.XXX.59.XXXsip:8334843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;user=phonesip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXX895D1B912531212@,Ozan<<< ORIGINAL BODY >>>Message: 2Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 13:08:07 +0100From: Iqbal Re: [Users] Rating Engine ?To: Ozan Blotter users@openser.orgMessage-ID: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9; format=flowedAre you trying to rate in realtime, or use the rating engine after thecall has been done, i.e when you do a bill runIqbalOzan Blotter wrote:> Dear List,>> As some of you know, there would be an open-source-billing for> OpenSER, i can see call duration,add remove edit users etc features> but missing thing is rating. Since there may be more then one rating> table it's very hard for MySql to query whole database and gives time> out errors. I can manage PHP to create/delete/edit a new database with> prefix,location name,initial time,initial cost,increment> time,increment cost and rate id. Now there's a problem, think that> there're 2 different rate table for different customers, a rate id is> what i would like to write to acc table in each call. May be i should> force ACC module to add rate_id together with other information like> from_uri, to_sip, timestamp etc. etc. How can i manage this, is there> any clue or information ?>> Thanks,> Ozan Blotter>>------------------------------------------------------------------------>>_______________________________________________>Users mailing list>>
On 08/16/05 14:16, Ozan Blotter wrote:
Dear Iqbal,
I would like to create a table where rate engine keeps rate_ids and depending to it it's own prefix, location name, initial time, initial cost, increment time, increment cost values. What i want is when i create a user from account creation, give him/her a rate_id which is defined before in tariff plan, and SER writes rate_id together with each call...
For example into this table, together with every logged calls. I'm not sure it's logical or can be done, what do you think ?
Maybe is better to get the rate_id for user when you do the rating inside the rating engine.
Anyhow, you can store the rate_id in acc by loading it in an avp (via auth_db module or avpops module and setting extra accounting parameter to acc (
Or how can else i can ? The main problem is when you query from MySql, i'm sure that it will give time out errors for querying many and many calls to compare from rate tables...
sip_fromsip_tosip_statussip_methodi_urio_urifrom_urito_urisip_callidusernamedomainfromtagtotagtimetimestampsrcdst ? ?sip:8334843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;user=phone;tag=xI...sip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;tag=ff7212001e7d...200INVITEsip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXXsip:02324843600@212.XXX.59.XXXsip:8334843600@212.XXX.104.XXX;user=phonesip:02324843600@212.XXX.104.XXX895D1B912531212@,Ozan<<< ORIGINAL BODY >>>Message: 2Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 13:08:07 +0100From: Iqbal Re: [Users] Rating Engine ?To: Ozan Blotter users@openser.orgMessage-ID: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9; format=flowedAre you trying to rate in realtime, or use the rating engine after thecall has been done, i.e when you do a bill runIqbalOzan Blotter wrote:> Dear List,>> As some of you know, there would be an open-source-billing for> OpenSER, i can see call duration,add remove edit users etc features> but missing thing is rating. Since there may be more then one rating> table it's very hard for MySql to query whole database and gives time> out errors. I can manage PHP to create/delete/edit a new database with> prefix,location name,initial time,initial cost,increment> time,increment cost and rate id. Now there's a problem, think that> there're 2 different rate table for different customers, a rate id is> what i would like to write to acc table in each call. May be i should> force ACC module to add rate_id together with other information like> from_uri, to_sip, timestamp etc. etc. How can i manage this, is there> any clue or information ?>> Thanks,> Ozan Blotter>>------------------------------------------------------------------------>>_______________________________________________>Users mailing list>>
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