Is there any way to change the defaul log file to a special SER.log file ?????
That's syslogd configuration issue unrelated to ser.
At 09:00 AM 1/20/2003, Daniel Perez wrote:
Is there any way to change the defaul log file to a special SER.log file ?????
-- Jiri Kuthan
On Jan 20, 2003 at 02:00, Daniel Perez wrote:
Is there any way to change the defaul log file to a special SER.log file ?????
Try logging to stderr and redirecting it to a file: ser -E 2>/tmp/ser.log
(by default ser logs to syslog)
On Monday 20 January 2003 09:00, Daniel Perez wrote:
Is there any way to change the defaul log file to a special SER.log file ?????
Metalog is an alternative to syslogd which is able to use regluar expressions to differentiate syslog message. With this you can easily create a ser.log.
Regards Nils Ohlmeier