I believe that three places in /serweb_2004-07-27/html/config.php the string "/user" should be "user_interface/". The important one is: /* relative paths of serweb tree */ $this->img_src_path = $this->root_path."img/"; $this->js_src_path = $this->root_path."styles/"; $this->style_src_path = $this->root_path."styles/"; $this->user_pages_path = $this->root_path."user/"; -----------------------------------------------------------^^^^^ HERE $this->admin_pages_path = $this->root_path."admin/";
It causes the admin pages to have bad links.
You can fix that by adding Alias from /usr to /user_interface.
Karel, is there any reason why we do not use /user instead of /user_interface as the name of the directory in serweb ?
On 09-11 18:03, JOHN J. BARTON wrote:
I believe that three places in /serweb_2004-07-27/html/config.php the string "/user" should be "user_interface/". The important one is: /* relative paths of serweb tree */ $this->img_src_path = $this->root_path."img/"; $this->js_src_path = $this->root_path."styles/"; $this->style_src_path = $this->root_path."styles/"; $this->user_pages_path = $this->root_path."user/"; -----------------------------------------------------------^^^^^ HERE $this->admin_pages_path = $this->root_path."admin/";
It causes the admin pages to have bad links.
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
* Karel Kozlik kozlik@kufr.cz [041110 22:02]:
Jan Janak wrote:
You can fix that by adding Alias from /usr to /user_interface.
Karel, is there any reason why we do not use /user instead of /user_interface as the name of the directory in serweb ?
No, it isn't. I'm planning to change it in next version of serweb.
While we are in at "next version", I once made a language thingie.. tought it got lost in a diskcrash.
If you want, I could try to "reproduce" the same thing, It was mainly built by including one "default file" .. And out from that file you could have different languages based on other files.. not the best way to do it, but it makes it simple to make translations, and it's quick to "patch" serweb to support it.
- Atle
While we are in at "next version", I once made a language thingie.. tought it got lost in a diskcrash.
If you want, I could try to "reproduce" the same thing, It was mainly built by including one "default file" .. And out from that file you could have different languages based on other files.. not the best way to do it, but it makes it simple to make translations, and it's quick to "patch" serweb to support it.
Hi Atle. Thanks. But it think that it will not be necessary. I'm working on some language tools which make translations easy.
* Karel Kozlik kozlik@kufr.cz [041111 08:43]:
While we are in at "next version", I once made a language thingie.. tought it got lost in a diskcrash.
If you want, I could try to "reproduce" the same thing, It was mainly built by including one "default file" .. And out from that file you could have different languages based on other files.. not the best way to do it, but it makes it simple to make translations, and it's quick to "patch" serweb to support it.
Hi Atle. Thanks. But it think that it will not be necessary. I'm working on some language tools which make translations easy.
Ok cool :-)