Hi, Anybody added MSILO module to store offline message delivery. I tried to implement with the guide at http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/msilo.html but it kamiailio does not start and saying the config errors.
Please let me know the config file route scripts for this.
Thanks, Roy.
On 6/20/13 12:12 PM, Raj Roy Ghandhi wrote:
Hi, Anybody added MSILO module to store offline message delivery. I tried to implement with the guide at http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/msilo.html but it kamiailio does not start and saying the config errors.
Please let me know the config file route scripts for this.
there is no config route scripts we can provide to fit in your config. You have to give the log messages with those config errors and we should be able to say what is wrong there.
Cheers, Daniel