I did a fallback to the original source, without sucess. I still have massive timeouts. So far I have no idea, how to go on.
ps. what lenght of the carrier codes would be ok ? 3...10 digits, additional characters needed like A,B,C,D,E,F?
Hi Henning,
this change was done at pdbt.c:
$ diff pdbt.c pdbt_changed.c 245c245 < bufsize = slen + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1; // line buff er (telephone number + colon + white space + carrier ID + newline + \0) ---
bufsize = slen + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1; // line buff
er (telephone number + colon + white space + carrier ID + newline + \0) 257,258c257,258 < ret = snprintf(p, 5, "%d\n", node->carrier); < if (ret < 1 || ret > 4) { ---
ret = snprintf(p, 6, "%d\n", node->carrier);
if (ret < 1 || ret > 5) {
If I run querys in filemode against the server, where is no timeout.
pdbt query -f /tmp/numbers3 -r -q 1 | grep answer
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: "Henning Westerholt" henning.westerholt@1und1.de Gesendet: 11.02.2011 09:33:05 An: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org Betreff: Re: [SR-Users] pdb module timeouts
On Wednesday 09 February 2011, Thomas Baumann wrote:
I am using the PDB module and server components for number portability. 2 instances of PDB Server runs on (, Kamailio on ( With a small amount of traffic (-cmax 150 -cps 10 -callduration 3), where are timeouts: WARNING: pdb [pdb.c:260]: exceeded timeout while waiting for response.
One requested number was 307111094, where the module prints out a timeout.
The funny part is, that I can see the responses at least arriving at the interface on time.
Request send: 0,200855 s Answer received: 0,201027 s
That are 0,172 ms and far away from a timeout.
What could be the reason ?
Hi Thomas,
a bit difficult to say on a first sight.. Maybe some scheduling or load issues on the local machine? I've just checked two production server here, i don't see it so far in the available logs.
How much load do you've on the machine? And what kind of timeout value do you specified?
ps. A small change on the server part was done: handle 4 digit carrier codes.
Ah, i see. I guess its not a big change?
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On 02/15/2011 06:31 PM, Thomas Baumann wrote:
I have made a patch to 3.1(e914f97b4) . The poll() event list was not cleared when a response was received so when 2 servers responded one after the other it might block in an incorrect recv(). Can you please test with this?
I did a fallback to the original source, without sucess. I still have massive timeouts. So far I have no idea, how to go on.
ps. what lenght of the carrier codes would be ok ? 3...10 digits, additional characters needed like A,B,C,D,E,F?
Hi Henning,
this change was done at pdbt.c:
$ diff pdbt.c pdbt_changed.c 245c245 < bufsize = slen + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1; // line buff er (telephone number + colon + white space + carrier ID + newline + \0)
bufsize = slen + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1; // line buff
er (telephone number + colon + white space + carrier ID + newline + \0) 257,258c257,258 < ret = snprintf(p, 5, "%d\n", node->carrier);
< if (ret< 1 || ret> 4) {
ret = snprintf(p, 6, "%d\n", node->carrier); if (ret< 1 || ret> 5) {
If I run querys in filemode against the server, where is no timeout.
pdbt query -f /tmp/numbers3 -r -q 1 | grep answer
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: "Henning Westerholt"henning.westerholt@1und1.de Gesendet: 11.02.2011 09:33:05 An: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org Betreff: Re: [SR-Users] pdb module timeouts
On Wednesday 09 February 2011, Thomas Baumann wrote:
I am using the PDB module and server components for number portability. 2 instances of PDB Server runs on (, Kamailio on ( With a small amount of traffic (-cmax 150 -cps 10 -callduration 3), where are timeouts: WARNING: pdb [pdb.c:260]: exceeded timeout while waiting for response.
One requested number was 307111094, where the module prints out a timeout.
The funny part is, that I can see the responses at least arriving at the interface on time.
Request send: 0,200855 s Answer received: 0,201027 s
That are 0,172 ms and far away from a timeout.
What could be the reason ?
Hi Thomas,
a bit difficult to say on a first sight.. Maybe some scheduling or load issues on the local machine? I've just checked two production server here, i don't see it so far in the available logs.
How much load do you've on the machine? And what kind of timeout value do you specified?
ps. A small change on the server part was done: handle 4 digit carrier codes.
Ah, i see. I guess its not a big change?
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SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users