That's caused by new Messenger's _proprietary_ session model -- messaging session are initiated and expected to be initiated with INVITE.
There is a hint how to avoid the 487 in our FAQ
Nevertheless, it only softens some scenarios, as said the core problem is the whole session model is violently proprietary. From standard compliance (and related capability to talk to anything else then Messenger itself), 4.7 was much better.
At 10:05 PM 10/17/2003, David Quenzler wrote:
I've seen similar postings before, but could not find the resolution.
SER 0.8.11 Windows Messenger 5.0.0381
Connecting two clients to the SER machine... both show online in their messenger windows.
Testcase SER: 'ngrep -n 5060 user1' USER2: attempts IM 'hello world' to USER1
Flow control as seen with ngrep
User2 SER User1 1> invite 100 <2 3> invite bye <4 bye <5 6> 481 7> 481 200 <8 200 <9 10> ack 11> ack 12> message 13> message 481 <14 481 <15
Has anyone seen this before?
- Dave
Serusers mailing list
-- Jiri Kuthan