Hello, I am just curious because I have seen a couple of references to the fr_timer being in SECONDS and some look like they are in MILLISECONDS. In 1.5.X, what is this value?
Also - will fr_timer control the retransmission of an INVITE if no 100 Trying is received? Right now it appears my configuration is waiting 500ms to retransmit the INVITE when I don't get a 100 trying.
This is what my config looks like right now and this is the behavior I'm seeing.
modparam("tm","fr_timer",15) modparam("tm","fr_inv_timer",120) modparam("tm","fr_inv_timer_avp", "$avp(i:704)")
INITIAL INVITE [No response in 500ms] RETRANS INVITE [NO response in 1000ms] RETRANS INVITE
I'm having a hard time correlating that what I have in my config.
Thanks, Geoff
On 03/17/2011 01:28 PM, Geoffrey Mina wrote:
I am just curious because I have seen a couple of references to the fr_timer being in SECONDS and some look like they are in MILLISECONDS. In 1.5.X, what is this value?
In 1.5.x, it's in seconds. In 3.0+, it's in milliseconds.