Thanks very much, very valuable info indeed. I have a few questions that must have been asked a thousand times but I did not find any clear answer in archive : Or can you point me to relevant doc ?
1) fix_nated_sdp : - I guess you use this fonction if you want a nated ua to talk directly to another ua w/o rtproxy ? - what is exactly the sdp field modified ? c ? o ? - is it relevant if you use force_rtp_proxy ? (my guess is no...)
2) force_rport() - Could not figure out the usefulness of this command... Deprecated by fix_nated_contact ?
3)force_rtp_proxy 'f' flag -I really cannot figure out what it does (or does not!) on a sip packet. I would just blindly use it but I would like to understand nonetheless :-)
Also I would need an advice :
You often see this portion of code at the beginning of a "main routing logic" config file :
record_route(); # loose-route processing if (loose_route()) { t_relay(); break;
If I am correct it says "if this packet as already been processed by a sip proxy, route it accordingly". But suppose a sip INVITE packet went through a first Proxy, then it will be routed back instead of being correctly processed with lookup("location") for exemple.
Would if ( !(method=="INVITE")) { if (loose_route()) { t_relay(); break; };
be more appropriate in this case ?
Thanks for your patience -
-----Message d'origine----- De : Marian Dumitru [] Envoyé : jeudi 3 février 2005 21:34 À : Christian de Balorre Cc : Objet : Re: [Serusers] rtpproxy mess
Hi Christian,
To configure rtpproxy to do bridging, just set the listen parameter as "-l addr1/addr2". In your configuration I guess addr1 is the private address and addr2 is the public one.
But be careful about using a chain of rtpproxy - you can end having a dead-lock for the media relaying. More information about the force_rtp_proxy flags can be found in modules/nathelper/nathelper.c at the beginning; also take a look at the example modules/nathelper/examples/alg.cfg.
Best regards, Marian
Christian de Balorre wrote:
Thanks for your previous rtpproxy workaround.
Here is actually what I want to do (not really extraordinary, inter-sites design) :
__ priv net __ pub net __ priv net __ |__|<------->|__|<------------>|__|<------------>|__| ua1 rtp rtp ua2 site1 proxy1 proxy2 site 2
rtp stream should always flow between ua1 et ua2 through rtpproxy1 and rtpproxy2 (or vice versa of course) each rtp server is also a ser server with 2 interface, one in priv net and the other in pub net there is no nat involved
I guess we can call this bridging... Can rtpproxy do that ?