This should in (poor) theory work. I would check by watching the mysql port number traffic what data gets actually fetched before making the next step.
At 13:01 01/11/2007, wrote:
Hi All,
We're trying to test Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU) using SER-2.0.0-rc1. We're adding the subscriber's attribute using following command - ./ser_ctl attrs set 50001@ fwd_always_target=50@
After that we tried to call to 50001. After receiving the call, SER fails to fetch the attribute (fwd_always_target) value from the DB.
How do you know SER fails to fetch it from DB?
Even, the check "if ($tu.fwd_always_target)" fails in this case..
The config file is also attahced with the mail.
Can anybody tell me why this is happening?????? Plz reply ASAP.....
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-- Jiri Kuthan