Hi, I've stored in "usr_preferences" some entries with: - attribute: 'bla' - value: 'alice@domain.org' <--- With no "sip:" in front.
I use 'avp_db_load' to get that value and compare using 'avp_check' with the To uri without protocol (without "sip:").
I get this behaviour by doing:
-------------------------- if avp_db_load("$fu/uri", "$avp(s:bla)") { $var(To) = $tU + '@' + $td; if avp_check("$avp(s:bla)","eq/$var(To)/gi") { [...] --------------------------
But I would like to avoid using a variable $var(To), something as:
-------------------------- if avp_db_load("$fu/uri", "$avp(s:bla)") { if avp_check("$avp(s:bla)","eq/$tU + '@' + $td/gi") { # or: if avp_check("$avp(s:bla)","eq/$tU@$td/gi") { [...] --------------------------
Unfortunatelly it doesn't work, it's not valid. Do I really need to use a variable (or AVP) for "avp_check"?