On Monday 03 December 2007, David Villasmil Govea wrote:
0(0) perl error: Can't locate
OpenSER/Utils/PhoneNumber.pm in @INC
Although modules are there in:
No, there is no "PhoneNumber.pm" in that path.
me@server:/usr/local/lib/openser/perl# ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6096 2007-12-03 14:00 PhoneNumbers.pm
It's "PhoneNumbers.pm". Correct typing is _not_ optional while programming
- Is there a tutorial for using MySQL as a
backend? How about a
MySQL backend for what?
I have it working as a MySQL backend for users. What i need is the logging
of cdrs... i understand that there are several records for each call. But,
how do i configure this? is it possible with MySQL? thanks a lot.
You should start a different thread with a different subject.
What you are looking for seems to be accounting, provided by the OpenSER
module "acc". Module documentation is available on
The "acc" module works fine with MySQL.
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