Hello all ,
I want to have a bidirectionnal chating and presence between sip and MSN ,but i dont know how to configure kamailio
thank you for your help
On 04/22/2009 11:38 AM, rachid wrote:
Hello all ,
I want to have a bidirectionnal chating and presence between sip and MSN ,but i dont know how to configure kamailio
the right way to get some help is to do constructive approach.
Tell what you tried and what is not working. Otherwise, nobody will build you a config, you have to do it alone and ask specific questions or hire someone to do all the work for you.
Cheers, Daniel
El Miércoles, 22 de Abril de 2009, rachid escribió:
Hello all ,
I want to have a bidirectionnal chating and presence between sip and MSN ,but i dont know how to configure kamailio
Does it mean that your are looking for very expensive consulting?