Dear Madam/Sir,
We are a data communication provider in Egypt, and we are very much interested in deploying SER. We are particularly interested in having a voicemail feature as one of our offerings, and we have tried the CVS (8.11) version but we have noticed (naturally) that it's not stable yet.
Could you please give us a rough estimate on when you believe a beta or alpha release will be available?
Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
Ahmed Abdoulla Quality Unit Manager Acting WebDev Unit Manager TE Data 11, Cleopatra St, Heliopolis TEL : +20-2-4166660 FAX : +20-2-4166700
At 06:11 PM 3/30/2003, Ahmed Abdoulla wrote:
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are a data communication provider in Egypt, and we are very much interested in deploying SER.
We are particularly interested in having a voicemail feature as one of our offerings, and we have tried the CVS (8.11) version but we have noticed (naturally) that it's not stable yet.
Could you please give us a rough estimate on when you believe a beta or alpha release will be available?
I'm little a bit reluctant to do so -- it has always taken longer than we anticipated and I would not like to set unrealistic expactations. If you insist -- without any guarantee, a *testing* version may be ready to go in two weeks.