I have opensip working as a sip load balancer which balances load between 8 asterisk servers running 4 instances on each.
The opensip task is just to load balance the incoming requests for 32 asterisk instances on 8 boxes.
Can i run it in the stateless mode? Anything that i should be aware about which will prohibit me to run it on the stateless mode.
Thanks, KChris
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Kaeman Chris wrote:
Can i run it in the stateless mode?
In fact, for various reasons, this is a common configuration for load balancers of all kinds, especially in setups where subsequent in-dialog messages get passed directly between the two endpoints.
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Kaeman Chris kaemanchris@yahoo.co.in wrote:
The opensip task is just to load balance the incoming requests for 32 asterisk instances on 8 boxes.
I assume you are only LBing dialog-forming requests (the LB is not RRing). Right?