Since I was unable to get 0.8.14 to work on OpenBSD 3.2/sparc (sparc32 not ultrasparc) I checked-out 0.8.10 from CVS and with some adjustments to Makefile.defs it builds and runs and tests ok with sipsak in both fork on nofork modes. I chose this version basically since its release date corresponds to the middle of life for OBSD 3.2. Fastlock inline assembly worked with some minor adjustments for SPARC32.
I need to run ser on our border router with rtpproxy (one interface on a public ip and several others on private networks with NAT); is there any reason I shouldn't use 0.8.10?
Other than the sgml docs in the distribution is there an admin manual (in html, ps or pdf) somewhere for 0.8.10? -- the archives mention one at about the right time for this version...
All help is much appreciated.
Michael Grigoni Cybertheque Museum
On Nov 24, 2004 at 23:22, msg wrote:
Since I was unable to get 0.8.14 to work on OpenBSD 3.2/sparc (sparc32 not ultrasparc) I checked-out 0.8.10 from CVS and with some adjustments to Makefile.defs it builds and runs and tests ok with sipsak in both fork on nofork modes. I chose this version basically since its release date corresponds to the middle of life for OBSD 3.2. Fastlock inline assembly worked with some minor adjustments for SPARC32.
Cool, could you send me a diff?
I need to run ser on our border router with rtpproxy (one interface on a public ip and several others on private networks with NAT); is there any reason I shouldn't use 0.8.10?
Old, unmantained (lots of bugs got fixed between 0.8.10-0.8.14, see ISSUES from 0.8.14 for a list of important fixes), old nathelper/rtpproxy (I'm not sure it will work in bridge mode).
Other than the sgml docs in the distribution is there an admin manual (in html, ps or pdf) somewhere for 0.8.10? -- the archives mention one at about the right time for this version...
No, the only manual is doc/seruser/seruser.sgml.