Hi there,
I have taken over a project that uses Kamailio. I am aware of what we use it for - I am just not sure on the how... apart from what I have read in the docs.
We're currently running 5.4.2 and I'd like to upgrade to (at least) the latest 5.4 offering - as that seems as if it would be the easiest and safest option.
So I am hoping I might get some direction, please - on the way forward for an upgrade. The documentation seems OK if you're upgrading minor versions... but I couldn;t find anything about upgrading patch versions.
On 24 Nov 2023, at 15:30, Gavin Baumanis via sr-users sr-users@lists.kamailio.org wrote:
Hi there,
I have taken over a project that uses Kamailio.
Good for you! :-)
I am aware of what we use it for - I am just not sure on the how... apart from what I have read in the docs.
We're currently running 5.4.2 and I'd like to upgrade to (at least) the latest 5.4 offering - as that seems as if it would be the easiest and safest option.
So I am hoping I might get some direction, please - on the way forward for an upgrade. The documentation seems OK if you're upgrading minor versions... but I couldn;t find anything about upgrading patch versions.
In general, updating within a release version, like 5.4 and 5.5 - from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 does not require any config changes. When you update from 5.4.x to 5.5.x there may be both config changes and changes in database schemas, so that’s more tricky and you will have to dig down to documentation to get advice.
Regards, /O
Hi Olle, Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late reply.
As a complete newcomer... Is the patch upgrade simply overwriting the existing path(s) with the contents of the newer release? Then copying back in the config(s)? (Obviously backing up first!)
On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 01:57, Olle E. Johansson oej@edvina.net wrote:
On 24 Nov 2023, at 15:30, Gavin Baumanis via sr-users <
sr-users@lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
Hi there,
I have taken over a project that uses Kamailio.
Good for you! :-)
I am aware of what we use it for - I am just not sure on the how...
apart from what I have read in the docs.
We're currently running 5.4.2 and I'd like to upgrade to (at least) the
latest 5.4 offering - as that seems as if it would be the easiest and safest option.
So I am hoping I might get some direction, please - on the way forward
for an upgrade.
The documentation seems OK if you're upgrading minor versions... but I
couldn;t find anything about upgrading patch versions.
In general, updating within a release version, like 5.4 and 5.5 - from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 does not require any config changes. When you update from 5.4.x to 5.5.x there may be both config changes and changes in database schemas, so that’s more tricky and you will have to dig down to documentation to get advice.
Regards, /O