Hello to all!
I need a little help with our ser installation (ser-2.0.0-rc1). The continuous groving up of our infrastructure and using even more codecs, causes the INVITE (udp) to be over 1500bytes. An external->incoming call to our proxy sip comes in with a size of ~1300 and will be forwarded to the end device (sua) over 1500. Ser is adding more than 200bytes in the udp packet. I can see 'INVITE' from ser to customer, but the INVITE is not answerred due the size. I'm sure about that, because in certain situations, deleting codec list the packet-size goes under the 1500bytes and all works. To main issue is from external calls to ser server to our customers. Calls started from customers to ser and then out are all ok. Now the question: Could the passage from UDP to TCP solve the issue? Could someone give me an example and how implement it into our ser configuration? The atteched configuration, ser on a mysql basis, is working well in expect the issue described.
Thank's a lot for your help!