(Sorry, I sent this mail to devel maillist)
Hi, the first I do in my OpenSer script is:
-------------------------------------------------------- modparam("siptrace", "trace_flag", FLAG_SIPTRACE) modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)
route {
### SipTrace. if ! is_method("OPTIONS|REGISTER") { sip_trace(); setflag(FLAG_SIPTRACE); }
... --------------------------------------------------------
When an INVITE gets a 200 OK the UAC sends an ACK (end to end). This ACK from UAC to OpenSer is stored in 'sip_trace' table, but the same ACK from OpenSer to the UAS (in-dialog ACK) is not stored, why?
Is there any reason for this? AFAIK this ACK is like any in-dialog request and 'sip_trace' stores correctly both legs of any in-dialog request, except in the case of an ACK for a 200 OK.
Since the "special" treatment OpenSer performs in the ACK, maybe there is a technical issue that makes imposible ACK from OpenSer to UAS to appear in "sip_trace"?
On 07/21/08 14:30, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
(Sorry, I sent this mail to devel maillist)
Hi, the first I do in my OpenSer script is:
modparam("siptrace", "trace_flag", FLAG_SIPTRACE) modparam("siptrace", "trace_on", 1)
route {
### SipTrace. if ! is_method("OPTIONS|REGISTER") { sip_trace(); setflag(FLAG_SIPTRACE); }
When an INVITE gets a 200 OK the UAC sends an ACK (end to end). This ACK from UAC to OpenSer is stored in 'sip_trace' table, but the same ACK from OpenSer to the UAS (in-dialog ACK) is not stored, why?
Is there any reason for this? AFAIK this ACK is like any in-dialog request and 'sip_trace' stores correctly both legs of any in-dialog request, except in the case of an ACK for a 200 OK.
Since the "special" treatment OpenSer performs in the ACK, maybe there is a technical issue that makes imposible ACK from OpenSer to UAS to appear in "sip_trace"?
the ACK is forwarded stateless, therefore the callback for relayed messages from TM is not triggered. Future plans to overcome such problems are due after the next release.
Cheers, Daniel
El Jueves, 24 de Julio de 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla escribió:
the ACK is forwarded stateless, therefore the callback for relayed messages from TM is not triggered. Future plans to overcome such problems are due after the next release.
Thanks for the explanation.