With 0.8.12 the MySQL GRANT statements in the create database section of ser_mysql.sh didn't seem to work. Both ser and serro from any host or localhost have no privileges. Is this a known issue? If so is there a fix?
Whenever SER is started, either through serctl or the command line, the following error is logged. The Sys Admin for this server says that the MySQL database permissions are set correctly however these permissions are different than the MySQL users permissions. The user permissions do not permit access to ser or serro from the localhost or anyhost, the MySQL database does.
I think this is the case of the access error listed below however issuing the MySQL GRANT command to update the user permissions has no affect, the command is accepted but 0 rows are changed.
I have not seen this with SER on other OS's. This is my first attempt with Redhat. Does anyone have any insight into what is happening?
The MySQL root, ser and serro passwords are all correct and we can use MySQL command line tools to access the database using these usernames and passwords.
We are running MySQL 4.0.20.
[ser]$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/ser WARNING: no fork mode and more than one listen address found (will use only the the first one) stateless - initializing acc - initializing Maxfwd module- initializing 0(3254) mod_init(): Database connection opened successfuly textops - initializing 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(0) WARNING: using only the first listen address (no fork) 2(0) 1(3256) INFO: fifo process starting: 3258 connect_db(): Access denied for user: 'serro@localhost' (Using password: YES) 1(3256) db_init(): Error while trying to connect database 1(3256) uri:init_child(-1): Unable to connect database 1(3256) init_mod_child(): Error while initializing module uri 1(3256) timer: init_child failed 1(3256) INFO: signal 15 received 1(3256) Memory status (pkg): 1(3256) fm_status (0x80d3540): 1(3256) heap size= 1047440 1(3256) dumping free list: 1(3256) hash = 1 fragments no.: 12, bucket size: 8 - 8 (first 8) 1(3256) hash = 5 fragments no.: 2, bucket size: 40 - 40 (first 40) 1(3256) hash = 44 fragments no.: 1, bucket size: 352 - 352 (first 352) 1(3256) hash = 62 fragments no.: 1, bucket size: 496 - 496 (first 496) 1(3256) hash = 265 fragments no.: 1, bucket size: 524288 - 1048576 (first 1007808) 1(3256) TOTAL: 17 free fragments = 1008832 free bytes 1(3256) ----------------------------- 2(0) connect_db(): Access denied for user: 'serro@localhost' (Using password: YES) 2(0) db_init(): Error while trying to connect database 2(0) uri:init_child(-2): Unable to connect database 2(0) init_mod_child(): Error while initializing module uri 2(0) ERROR: open_uac_fifo: init_child failed 2(0) opening fifo server failed 2(0) INFO: SIGCHLD received: we do not worry about grand-children 2(3258) INFO: SIGCHLD received: we do not worry about grand-children
No, the script expects that there are sufficient privileges (which is usually true in a fresh installation of mysql).
On 02-06 08:26, Steve Blair wrote:
With 0.8.12 the MySQL GRANT statements in the create database section of ser_mysql.sh didn't seem to work. Both ser and serro from any host or localhost have no privileges. Is this a known issue? If so is there a fix?
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