Hello all,
I'm a new user in this list, but I have already seen some posts about serMyAdmin.
I have openser 1.2.2 installed, running with mysql Version 14.12. I'm trying to use a web interface for openser, such as sermyadmin or openser administrator, but I'm unable to accomplish that.
I have followed the instructions from sermyadmin website, but I had some errors:
I couldn't add a user in mysql with that command, so I used something like: openserctl add admin openserrw admin@localhost
The remaining steps went ok, but everytime I try to open http://(myserver):8080/serMyAdmin I get an error page from Tomcat. Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance. Tiago
i think you did something wrong with the installation process
at my server i have running openser 1.2.2 also with serMyAdmin-0.8-BETA and everything works fine
note : if you are planning to use serMyAdmin so won't have to use command line e.g openserctl as openser-1.2.2 still produce support for SERweb tables and there is a confilection between SERweb tables and serMyAdmin tables (specifically phplib_id and id columns )
i think you should repeat the installation steps again at sermyadmin.org as recently some sections were updated
So you recomend that I drop the mysql table produced using "openser_mysql create" and try to do it only with sermyadmin? I'm wondering id that's possible, because probably I won't be able to start the application without a table created. Thanks for the quick reply!
2008/9/4 muhammad akl muhammad.akl@gmail.com
i think you did something wrong with the installation process
at my server i have running openser 1.2.2 also with serMyAdmin-0.8-BETA and everything works fine
note : if you are planning to use serMyAdmin so won't have to use command line e.g openserctl as openser-1.2.2 still produce support for SERweb tables and there is a confilection between SERweb tables and serMyAdmin tables (specifically phplib_id and id columns )
i think you should repeat the installation steps again at sermyadmin.orgas recently some sections were updated
no tiago u missed what i said
sure firstly you have to create openser database using openser_mysql.sh but what i intended to say , when you run serMyAdmin it will attempt to create tables that aren't installed by defualt during openser database creation this happens during the first time you run serMyAdmin and another thing after applyin the openser.sql file from sermyadmin it will modify others
i think you can follow these steps :
1-drop your openser databases e.g openser_mysql.sh drop and create it again substitue drop with create
2- make sure you installed tomcat correctly and you can see the greeting page of it
3- copy the mysql driver to tomcat shared libraries directory
4- configure the context.xml file at /dir/tomcat/conf/context.xml and edit it with the information supplied by sermyadmin.org tutorial
5- apply the openser.sql to your database e.g mysql -u root -p openser <openser.sql
i think if you follow the tutorial at sermyadmin.org step by step you will get everything works fine
note : the default username and password for serMyAdmin login page is admin@setup and secret respectivley