Hello Anders,
i have the same usage scenario as you have. I only was able to solve
that by modifying module sources itself.
Simply remove duplicate checks in the module. It seems that it does not
have any other side effects. For me its not very clear the idea of
keeping track of duplicates. Kamailio admin probably will be aware of
his lcr_gw table content all the time.
On 2010.12.02 00:36, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Anders writes:
I have two different trunks with one carrier. The
IP where I send the
INVITE is the same, but the prefix differs. So in the gw table, I
enter the two lines, - same IP, but with different digits in the 'tag'
column, and different grp_id numbers. I then set up the lcr table and
point to the respective grp_id's in the gw table. Problem: it ignores
the grp_id when I make a call, meaning that when there are two gw's
with the same IP address, it just takes the one that comes first, even
though it doesn't have the grp_id I asked for in the lcr table. Is
this normal behavior? If so, how do I get around this?
gateways need all to be
unique. in sr 3.1, a gateway is unique if its
ip address, port and hostname are unique. i don't remember how the
check was done in k 1.5.
-- juha
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