Help. Please remove me from this mail list. Thanks<br><br>在2010-02-27 19:00:01, 写道:
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Today's Topics:
- remove parameter (Elgar Onel)
- Exotic case (but real) in which RtpProxy doesn't work (I?aki Baz Castillo)
- Re: Exotic case (but real) in which RtpProxy doesn't work (Daniel-Constantin Mierla)
- Re: Exotic case (but real) in which RtpProxy doesn't work (I?aki Baz Castillo)
- Re: Exotic case (but real) in which RtpProxy doesn't work (Daniel-Constantin Mierla)
- Re: Exotic case (but real) in which RtpProxy doesn't work (I?aki Baz Castillo)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 03:00:25 -0800 (PST) From: Elgar Onel Subject: [Kamailio-Users] remove parameter To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear friends,
how to remove parameters from INVITE sip address?
tia, e.