I think I have found two bugs in nathelper in Kamailio 3.1.3.
Has anyone else encountered these?
Bug one -------
nat_uac_test() doesn't seem to work for requests that arrive over UDP. I tried with the latest versions of X-Lite and Jitsi for Windows and observed the same behaviour with both. As far as I could tell the UDP and TCP REGISTER methods were identical except for transport, Call-ID, tags (and so on).
At the moment I have worked around this by treating all UDP requests as if they have come from behind a NAT - but this is not ideal.
Bug Two -------
nat_uac_test() with flag bit 8 (SDP checks) set fails with an error if the request does not contain SDP. I don't think this is correct behaviour as it seems quite sensible to me to push all requests through the same NAT detection route. In this case it is quite likely that only some of the methods will contain SDP.
Surely in this case the correct thing would be for the SDP checks to fail, but not be treated as an error?
Thanks for you help,