Hi Marcin,
thanks a lot for this page! It saved me some unpleasant code browsing...
with regards,
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 02:13:38PM +0200, Marcin Pazdro wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to encourage you to test and use new module search page.
It was placed here
Additionally some links to this page were added by greger in
appropriate places across the
iptel.org portal.
Note that search-page is constructed using AJAX "technology" and used
frameworks limit the amount of browsers that may correctly display
this page.
Supported browsers are:
- IE >= 6;
- Opera >= 9;
- FF >= 1.6;
Should you experience any problems or if you have any comments or
suggestions, please let me know.
If you are unable to use it (because of browser) and you would like to
have a search page that support even lynx and have similar
functionalities like described in this functional specification:
write to me too. If there will be huge demand for less interactive
but more universal and better supported version of that search page I
will consider creating it.
Best regards,
Marcin :)
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