Hello list,
An UAC sends a resubscribe in the form
SUBSCRIBE sip:Alice@example.com SIP/2.0 Route: sip:sip.example.com;lr=on Route:sip:sip.next-hop.example.com;lr=on ....
The request has a to tag, from tag... Basic resubscribe(R-URI is the same as original SUBSCRIBE) The proxy that handles it is a Kamailio (1.5 but this refers to 3.1 as well). The problem is that loose_route() treats this request as coming from a strict routing router, not from the UAC, so it applies the strict-to-loose rules and rewrites the request as:
SUBSCRIBE sip:sip.next-hop.example.com;lr=on SIP/2.0 Route: sip:sip.example.com;lr=on ....
The segment that handles this is pretty standard:
if (loose_route()) { # sequential request withing a dialog should take the path # determined by record-routing if(has_totag()) { forward(); exit; }
It sees that message has Route set, it finds the to tag (so the routes were not a preset), and then , the important thing, sees that the domain from the RURI matches itself (kamailio has aliases configured for example.com), thus considering the request as coming from a strict router. Then it takes the bottom Route header and overwrites the RURI.
What is the best way to ensure that loose routing is applied to the resubscribe as described above?
Cheers, Marius