What exactly happens is that the establishment of the second call is
delayed too much time (the INVITE to the called party is forwarded with
a delay of 1 minute or more!), but if I wait enough time to make the
second call, it is established.
Unhappily, It doesn't happen with a basic configuration in my test bed
running on freebsd (which is much simpler than the one where the problem
takes place).
I don't have enough time right now to build up a scenery to reproduce
the problem (the original freebsd host is out of service, and was
replaced by a Debian Sarge one, which works fine with the same
configuration), but as soon as I can, I'll retake the test bed to
reproduce it.
Thank you very much,
On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 13:14 +0300, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Hernan,
that is interesting as openser is not dialog stateful....Do you get any
error when attempting the second call? have you tried with some delay
between the establish of the two calls?
Hernán A. Pérez Masci wrote:
Hi there,
We've been running openser for a long time on Debian Sarge boxes without
problems, but recently we installed it (version 1.0.1) on a FreeBSD
6.1-RELEASE box, and started having problems when testing it even with
very low load conditions.
The problem is easy to reproduce: just reducing the children parameter
to 1, and openser will not handle a second call (obviously that doesn't
happen in Debian, using the same configuration for openser).
Is this a known issue? I haven't found any message related to it.
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