Hi all
I'm trying to do a "followme" from the proxy side, so I receive a request to some SIP URI and that URI have configured it's followme function that in this case means ... progress a call to the original URI + a call to a new URI, just a parallel branching, but I'm no luck ... :-(
if(is_avp_set($avp(s:followme)) { append_branch($avp(s:followme)); }
That doesn't run, because append_branch does not accept a PV as param, so ...
... $var(s:tmp_ru) = $ru; append_branch(); $ru = $avp(s:followme); ...
But now ... only one of the branches progress ..., the new created branch (after the append_branch call) ... must go to a PSTN number ... but no way, because I must "mark" the branch in some way that I could send it directly to the go_to_pstn route block ...
any clue or example about how to work with the new branch ONLY ? ... because branch 1 works ok, I need to do changes only on branch 2
Best regards