Andres wrote:
Eric C. Snowdeal III wrote:
if (method=="INVITE") { record_route();
There is no way this config can pass thru here since the flag is never set. If you are not interested in discriminating then remove the isflagset check and just do force_rtp_proxy for every INVITE:
if (isflagset(1)) { # ATA ? force_rtp_proxy(); }; /* set up reply processing */ t_on_reply("1"); };
o.k. that was stupid. let me try again. i've changed the config as follows:
if (method=="INVITE") { record_route(); setflag(1); force_rtp_proxy(); /* set up reply processing */ t_on_reply("1"); };
and it works! i'll work in discriminating UAs down the road. i sincerely appreciate you humoring my newbieness, i obviously have more to learn about the ways of the config file.