I've not done any Wiki editing either but I'll do the work if you guide me along with the technical content.
This could be a really good thing for the ser and Asterisk communities because I suspect many people are either attempting this type of clustering now or will need to shortly.
I know I personally need a carrier-grade solution for my needs and I'm searching for ways to achieve the golden five-nines of availability. But even if I didn't need 99.999% uptime, I'd still strive for it even if I was just replacing an office PBX for a ser/Asterisk solution because of typical customer care requirements that most companies face.
Cheers from soggy Orlando.
--- Michael Shuler mike@bwsys.net wrote:
Actually if you want to be really cool you can also config SER to read Asterisk's sipfriends table so they can share a common auth/user lookup system. My setup uses several SER servers acting as load balancing proxies/auth servers which then proxy the calls evenly across a cluster of Asterisk servers that all read a common config from MySQL. This basically gives you infinite scalability for both clusters. If I get some free time I was going to post my config files up on www.voip-info.org but I have never done Wiki editing before, but if you have then maybe we can get it up there together.
Michael Shuler, C.E.O. BitWise Communications, Inc. (CLEC) And BitWise Systems, Inc. (ISP) 682 High Point Lane East Peoria, IL 61611 Office: (217) 585-0357 Cell: (309) 657-6365 Fax: (309) 213-3500 E-Mail: mike@bwsys.net Customer Service: (877) 976-0711
-----Original Message----- From: Java Rockx [mailto:javarockx@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:21 PM To: Michael Shuler; serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: RE: [Serusers] Location table issues
I think your idea for a db_mode 3 is a good idea especially considering that I'll soon be in the same position as you with respect to ser.
On an Asterisk note you mentioned patches at http://svn.asteriskdocs.org/res_data/. Do these patches allow Asterisk to store user and server configuration data in a MySQL database rather than in .conf files? If not, could you elaborate a bit on what these patches fix or features that they provide?
Best Regards, Paul
--- Michael Shuler mike@bwsys.net wrote:
I figured that's what people would say :( thanks though.
I thought of that but the problem is that it takes up to
the max time of my
longest REGISTER client timer before its back in sync with
the one that runs
off the DB. It would be nice if there was a 3rd option i.e. modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3) that would make it read
only at startup to
"seed" the memory database. The reason I need this is
because I have a few
SER servers behind a Foundry ServerIron XL layer 4 switch.
When I bring the
failed server back online the Foundry automatically
recognizes that port
5060 is alive again and immediately starts sending it
traffic. If the RAM
based location table hasn't been fully populated by the
time this happens
then we have a bunch of failed calls until it syncs up
which in my case is
up to 5 min. I can get around this manually by removing it
from the cluster
config in the Foundry but that takes away from the
automation of the whole
Andrei/Jiri, what do you guys think of adding that as an
option? It seems
to me that it would be the most logical way to go about
doing it and should
be very easy to do since all it is combining parts of mode
0 and 1/2. I
have little experience doing any programming in SER
otherwise I would just
write it and submit it as a patch. Most of my time gets
sucked up into
Asterisk patches (see http://svn.asteriskdocs.org/res_data/
for MySQL
dynamic config files, this is a must for carriers... Well
at least for me :)
), but if you 2 don't have time or don't think its worth
while then I guess
I will have find time. Please let me know what you guys
think of this as
soon as you get a chance.
Michael Shuler, C.E.O. BitWise Communications, Inc. (CLEC) And BitWise Systems, Inc. (ISP) 682 High Point Lane East Peoria, IL 61611 Office: (217) 585-0357 Cell: (309) 657-6365 Fax: (309) 213-3500 E-Mail: mike@bwsys.net Customer Service: (877) 976-0711
-----Original Message----- From: Maxim Sobolev [mailto:sobomax@portaone.com] Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:28 AM To: Michael Shuler Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: Re: [Serusers] Location table issues
Michael Shuler wrote:
Let's say I have 2 SER servers (ser1 and ser2). Both save
to the same MySQL
location table and both use t_replicate to let each other
know about new
REGISTER's. Lets say ser1 gets a REGISTER from a client
and then calls
t_replicate to send it over to ser2 and both call
save("location"). Doesn't
that cause ser1 and ser2 to write the same record at about
the same time to
MySQL? Is there any way to prevent doubling the number of
database writes?
You can configure one of the ser's to do not use database
at all for
storing contacts, which will do what you want - contacts will be saved by the another ser, while t_replicate() will ensure that
both of them
have a whole set at any moment of time.
Does anyone know what the replicate column is for in the
location table?
Michael Shuler, C.E.O. BitWise Communications, Inc. (CLEC) And BitWise
Systems, Inc. (ISP)
682 High Point Lane East Peoria, IL 61611 Office: (217) 585-0357 Cell: (309) 657-6365 Fax: (309) 213-3500 E-Mail: mike@bwsys.net Customer Service: (877) 976-0711
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
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