Hi Bogdan, i left the system to crash another time before change to latest version of openser (now running 1.2.0 from source). I got another memory log of the system just in case you need it for more debugging.
You can found it at: (475476 Bytes)
Sorry but this time i didn't got the time to make separate files for each processes. Now i got the openser-1.2.x-svn-20070608-221101.tgz file, compiled with memory debug options and waiting for what will happen.
I heard from others on the mailing list that there were similar problems of memory leak. Do you think this version will solve the issue? Thanks, Bye, Marcello
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
yes, go for SVN branch 1.2 as contains all the latest fixes (even after the releases). For how to get it from SVN, see : http://www.openser.org/mos/view/Download/ SVN section.
please let me know if after the update the problem got solved.
regards, bogdan
Marcello Lupo wrote:
Hi Bogdan, you mean that is better to install from svn version 1.2.0 or 1.2.1? Sorry to bother you. Thanks, Bye, Marcello
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Marcello,
you should try the latest SVN version. The leak visible in your logs is related to pkg mem, for the eval_elem() function (used in script evaluation). There is no other trace for a leak.
This was fixed some time ago, so, just update form SVN and see if the problem persist.
regards, bogdan