Thank you to answer.
this is my SDP annex (no ice o related stuff):
Content-Length: 1031
/o=- 326299663336889577 2 IN IP4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/
/t=0 0/
/a=msid-semantic: WMS 078639f4-3b58-4a29-90ef-62d05ccf01a2/
/m=audio 21766 RTP/AVP 111 63 9 0 8 13 110 126/
/a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level/
/a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid/
/a=msid:078639f4-3b58-4a29-90ef-62d05ccf01a2 4cacf939-a056-4a1a-a0c5-748aaf5e3d43/
/a=ssrc:805220451 cname:wrpkmkhX7zbjXfUu/
/a=ssrc:805220451 msid:078639f4-3b58-4a29-90ef-62d05ccf01a2 4cacf939-a056-4a1a-a0c5-748aaf5e3d43/
/a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2/
/a=fmtp:111 useinbandfec=1; minptime=10/
/a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc/
/a=rtpmap:63 red/48000/2/
/a=fmtp:63 111/111/
/a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000/
/a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000/
/a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000/
/a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000/
/a=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000/
/a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000/
I think I can eliminate a=extmap lines and maybe other lines but i don't really know where I have to put *sdp_remove_line_by_prefix* function//in the script/ /
Regards/ /
--- I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
El 14/10/2023 a las 1:46 a. m., Karsten Horsmann escribió:
did you pass over the ice stuff from webrtc to the udp side? You could strip that of with rtpengine options.
Social Boh via sr-users schrieb am Sa., 14. Okt. 2023, 01:00:
Hello, I'm trying to solve a problem with calls WebRTC/UDP. I think is a fragmentation problem because udp/webRTC calls works without problem. The INVITE from Kamailio to the UDP device not receive any type of answer. I'm trying to reduce the SDP annex size using: |sdp_remove_line_by_prefix| for some lines unsuccessfully. Maybe I don't know where put this function in the script. Or, is there another way to solve this issue? Thank you in advance Regards -- --- I'm SoCIaL, MayBe __________________________________________________________ Kamailio - Users Mailing List - Non Commercial Discussions To unsubscribe send an email to Important: keep the mailing list in the recipients, do not reply only to the sender! Edit mailing list options or unsubscribe: